Special Balancing Group

Procedure for the allocation of balancing costs between the members of the SBG of NEK as SoLR

The SoLR submits to ESO EAD an aggregated load schedule for all its customers. Based on the registered schedule and metered quantities, ESO EAD calculates and provides to NEK EAD an hourly settlement for the referenced month, as well as hourly prices for the SoLR Group imbalance.

In the case of surplus of SoLR SBG

Based on a summary settlement statement issued by ESO for the SoLR SBG, NEK balances the amounts of spill energy and top-up energy occurred in the SBG. The resulting value is increased by the costs the SoLR has made to purchase spill energy at the price of the Public Supplier. The sum total is associated with the sold energy volume to set a unit price per MWh used to calculate an individual imbalance price for each participant based on metered quantities of energy to account for its contribution to the total group imbalance.


Procedure for the allocation of balancing costs between the SBG members of SoLR in the case of surplus

In the case of deficit of SoLR SBG

Based on a summary settlement statement issued by ESO for the SoLR SBG, NEK balances the amounts of spill energy and top-up energy occurred in the SBG. The resulting value is associated with the sold volume of energy to set a unit price per MWh used to calculate an individual imbalance price for each participant based on metered quantities of energy to account for its contribution to the total group imbalance.


Procedure for the allocation of balancing costs between the SBG members of SoLR in the case of deficit